
Zvezdan Vukanovic, The International Who’s Who of Media Economics and Management and Internet Media Economics Research.
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Zvezdan Vukanovic, Mike Friedrichsen, Milivoje Pavlovic, Digital Value Migration in Media, ICT and Cultural Industries. 
Buy it at Amazon or Routledge.
Eli M. Noam, Managing Media and Digital Organizations. 
Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Buy it at Palgrave Macmillan.
Eli M. Noam, Media and Digital Management. 
Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Buy it at Palgrave Macmillan.


Zvezdan Vukanovic, Foreign Direct Investment Inflows Into the South East European Media Market: Towards a Hybrid Business Model. 
Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016.
Buy it at Amazon or Springer.


Mónica Herrero & Steve Wildman (Co-editors), The Business of Media: Changes and Challenges, IMMAA,
 Lisbon: MediaXXI/Formalpress, 2015.
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Faustino, P.; Noam, E.; Scholz. C. & Lavine, J. Media Indsutry Dynamics: Management, Concentration, Policies, Convergence and Competition.  CIMJ. Lisbon: MediaXXI/Formalpress, 2014. 
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Faustino, P. Concentration, Voices Diversity and Competition in the Media Market.
CIMJ & FCT.Lisbon: MediaXXI/FormalPress, 2014.
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DeFillippi, R. & Wikström, P. (Eds.). Business Innovation and Distribution in Publishing.Lisbon: MediaXXI/FormalPress, 2013.
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Alvarez-Mozoncillo, J. Watching the Internet – the future of TV? .Lisbon: MediaXXI/FormalPress, 2011.
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 Faustino, P. & Vukanovic, Z. Managing Media Economy, Media Content and Technology in the Age of Digital Convergence. Lisbon: MediaXXI/FormalPress, 2011.
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Piccard, R. Value Creation and the Future of News Organizations. Lisbon: MediaXXI/FormalPress, 2010.
  Noam, E. Media Ownership and Concentration in Americ. Oxford Univeristy Press, 2009.
 Albarran, A.; Santos, R. & Faustino, P. The Media as a Driver of Information Society. Lisbon: MediaXXI/FormalPress, 2009.
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 Sanchez-Tabernero, A. The Content of Media – Quality, Profit and Competition.Lisbon: Media XXI/FormalPress, 2009.
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Scholz, C. (ed.), Handbuch Medienmanagement, Berlin et. (Springer), 2006.
 Albarran, Alan B.; Chan-Olmsted, Sylvia M.; Wirth, Michael O. (Eds.) Handbook of Media Management and Economics. Mahwah (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates), 2005.

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Bryant, Jennings & Zillman (Eds.) Media Management. A Casebook Approach, Mahwah (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates), 2003.
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 Noam, E.; Groebel, J. & Gerbarg, D. (Eds.) Internet Television. Routledge Hardcover, 2003.
 Sylvie, G. Newsroom Decision-Making: Under New Management. Lisbon:MediaXXI/FormalPress, 1993.
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Rohn, U. and Evens, T. Challenges and Opportunities for Bridging Theory and Practice, Routledge, New York. ISBN: 978-0-367-21099-1
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B. von Rimscha, Management and economics of communication. DeGruyter: Berlin, pp.393-404. ISBN 978 3-11-058716-6.
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