2005 Chicago

The 2005 IMMAA Conference took place in Chicago, USA

June 19-23, 2005

In 2005 IMMAF met again in Chicago/IL.

Download PDFThe topics of the conference 

In order that the organizational structure expands and the amount of work increases, IMMAF changed the name from International Media Management Academic Forum to the International Media Management Academic Association in its third year of existence. This change reflects the development from an occasional forum for Media Management experts in the academic field to an international institution with continuous exchange between its members.

At the end of the June 19-23, 2005 meeting the group agreed that a n new structure would suit the demands of this growing organization, comprising five teams, each facilitated by a coordinator. IMMAA focussed on:

Characteristics of media (products)/coordinator Eli Noam (noam@columbia.edu)

Characteristics of media strategy/coordinator Robert Picard (robert.picard@ihh.hj.se)

Characteristics of audiences and consumers/coordinator Limor Peer (l-peer@northwestern.edu)

Characteristics of media management/coordinator Erik Wilberg (erikwi@online.no)

Emerging media trends around the world/coordinator Chris Scholz (scholz@orga.uni-sb.de)