CITI/IMMAA Recap: Jaron Lanier, Pioneer of Virtual Reality Technology and Applications

Jaron Lanier

Famous Computer Scientist and Author
Seminar Full Video: “Pioneer of Virtual Reality Technology and Applications

Recap ​from the ​CITI/IMMAA seminar held on March 02, 2022.


Famous computer scientist and author Jaron Lanier engaged in a fascinating conversation coordinated by Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) founder Eli Noam, on technology, virtual reality, and the metaverse. Jaron Lanier provided remarkable insights into virtual reality and its possible social effects. He looked into the roots of virtual reality, imagining a shared waking state where people might discover new experiences and jointly change their world. In response to the core human condition, Lanier stressed the transformative potential of virtual reality, arguing that it might offer an alternative to the lust for power and increase the long-term viability of the human race.

Lanier, however, issued a warning on the hype and novelty-driven character of the technology industry at the moment. He argued for a more nuanced view of the word “Metaverse” beyond the industry’s inflated depictions and expressed concern about it and its changing definition. Lanier acknowledged the ambiguity around virtual reality’s intended use and emphasized the necessity for a rigorous analysis of its possible disruptiveness and unexpected consequences.

The difficulties with democracy in the tech industry were also covered in the conversation. Lanier called attention to the absence of an industry-wide culture of dissent or internal criticism. He underlined the significance of creating an atmosphere in which workers at digital companies are free to share their opinions without worrying about facing consequences. Lanier questioned the effectiveness of algorithmic media outlets and issued a warning about their ability to amplify polarization and sway public opinion. He emphasized the need for respectful communication and the ongoing value of traditional literature as a forum for deliberate and meaningful discussion.

The current condition of virtual reality was also discussed. Lanier expressed concern over how it might be used to manipulate people and turn them into objects for targeted conditioning and behavior modification. He listed three potential futures: human extinction, the demise of meta-Facebook, or a shift in economic strategies that prevent virtual reality from developing into a manipulative service.

The discussion session went into more detail on the potential uses of augmented and virtual reality in various industries. Lanier and the other participants recognized their worth in training, customization, and prototyping. The idea of a future in which robots constantly recycle products and reformulate them under the direction of data workers was presented. This idea of ongoing personalization and recycling could result in a cultural change where technology and art merge, with items and experiences being continuously modified and reimagined.
The insights of Jaron Lanier illuminate the revolutionary potential of virtual reality while simultaneously issuing a warning against the hype and exploitation of the business. The conversation emphasized the difficulties of democracy in the technological sphere and the necessity of responsible communication. The potential applications of virtual reality and augmented reality in various domains were acknowledged, along with the vision of a future where customization and recycling play a central role. Ultimately, the session sparked critical reflections on the future of technology and its impact on society.

Talk Takeaways:

  1. Virtual reality has the capacity to transform technology and establish common waking states, providing an alternative to the pursuit of power.
  2. It is essential to exercise caution while using novel-driven storylines and industry hype because the definition of the “Metaverse” is still developing.
  3. The tech sector faces difficulties when it comes to democratic values and executives’ ability to make criticisms of their own companies.
  4. Communication through algorithmic media channels may have unforeseen impacts, thus its delivery and effects must be carefully considered.
  5. In areas like prototyping, training, and personalization, virtual reality and augmented reality show promise and have the ability to change industries.
  6. Robots may be used in the future to assist data employees in recycling and ongoing product reformulation.
  7. The idea that people should be in charge of and own their own data, with the option to sell it to digital businesses if they so want should be considered.


Jaron Lanier

Jaron Lanier is a well-known computer scientist, author, and forerunner of virtual reality. Lanier has played a significant role in influencing how technology is developed and how it affects society. He has written several important books, such as “You Are Not a Gadget” and “Dawn of the New Everything,” that explores the relationship between technology, people, and culture.