CITI/IMMAA Recap: Shelly Palmer, The Intractable Problem of Alignment in AI

Shelly Palmer

CEO, The Palmer Group, and Professor of Advanced Media in Residence at Syracuse University
Seminar Full Video: “The Intractable Problem of Alignment in AI

Recap ​from the ​CITI/IMMAA seminar held on April 05, 2023.


In this presentation, Shelly Palmer, CEO of the Palmer Group, passionately discusses the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly large language models like GPT-3. He highlights how these models have the potential to revolutionize various industries by automating low-stakes tasks and enabling hyper-personalization and hyper-targeting of media content.
Shelly begins by emphasizing the positive impact of AI on productivity across different sectors. Large language models can perform tasks like writing poems or recommendation letters, freeing up human resources for more complex decision-making processes. This efficiency boost is seen as a productivity revolution that can streamline operations and lead to significant advancements in business processes.

However, amid the excitement about AI’s potential, Shelly also recognizes the need for users to understand its capabilities and limitations. He cautions against overestimating AI’s abilities, as it is essential to use AI responsibly and avoid overreliance on its capabilities. Understanding the context in which AI can be effective is crucial to ensuring its appropriate usage and avoiding potential pitfalls.

One of the key concerns Shelly raises is the issue of bias in AI models. AI systems are trained on large datasets that often reflect existing societal biases. This can inadvertently perpetuate biases in AI-generated content, leading to discriminatory outcomes. To address this issue, Shelly emphasizes the importance of investing in diverse datasets to make AI systems more equitable and representative of all users.

Additionally, Shelly discusses the potential misuse of AI, particularly in the context of synthetic media, such as deepfakes. These sophisticated AI-generated media can manipulate videos and images to spread misinformation or deceive people. The rise of deepfakes raises ethical concerns and highlights the need for stringent regulations to prevent malicious intent and protect individuals’ rights.

Throughout the presentation, Shelly underscores the importance of responsible AI development and usage. He urges collaboration among policymakers, businesses, and individuals to ensure that AI is harnessed for positive purposes and that its impact on society is beneficial. Transparent AI systems, ongoing research, and robust regulations are essential components of a responsible AI framework.

Shelly concludes his presentation by emphasizing the need for ongoing discussions, ethical considerations, and continuous efforts to understand and address the potential implications of AI. He acknowledges that while AI offers tremendous opportunities, there are also challenges that require vigilance and proactive measures to ensure that AI’s impact on society remains positive.

Shelly Palmer’s presentation highlights the transformative potential of large language models and AI in general. The productivity revolution they offer and their ability to hyper-personalize media content are promising advancements. However, the presentation also underscores the importance of responsible AI development to address bias, prevent misuse, and protect users’ rights. By working collaboratively and embracing ethical considerations, society can harness the power of AI to create a better and more inclusive future for everyone.

Key Takeaways

  1. Large language models like GPT-3 have the potential to revolutionize productivity across industries by automating low-stakes tasks and freeing up human resources for more complex decision-making processes.
  2. AI-driven content generation enables hyper-personalized and hyper-targeted media, creating a more engaging and relevant experience for consumers.
  3. AI models are trained on vast datasets, which can lead to the perpetuation of biases present in the data. Addressing bias in AI systems is essential to ensure fairness and equity in their outcomes.
  4. With the rising concerns of AI misuse, including deepfakes and misinformation, it is crucial to prioritize responsible AI development and implement robust regulations to protect individuals’ rights and privacy.
  5. Policymakers, businesses, and individuals need to work together to navigate the opportunities and challenges presented by AI.


Shelly Palmer is the CEO of the Palmer Group and a media and technology expert. Known for his captivating presentations, he explores the impact of AI and large language models like GPT-3. Palmer emphasizes responsible AI development, addressing bias, and navigating the opportunities and challenges of AI in society.